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Not sure if you’ve noticed, but more businesses are now tending to embrace digital technologies at a faster pace. It’s quite obvious how this helps reduce operational cost.

However, in the bid to leverage digital and optimize for reduced operational cost, how can retailers maintain or better still improve TRUST in their customers? – knowing that the customer trust quotient with eCommerce transactions tends to get lower than the trust quotient with in-store transactions.

[ctt template=”2″ link=”0DZXQ” via=”yes” ]The Trust Quotient is a way to measure the level of trust one social actor has towards another social actor.[/ctt]


Asides the trust deficit issues in eCommerce, which is a growing concern (case in point: Jumia) – we also have the issue of time to contend with.

Everything is competing for your customers’ time and attention. They may no longer have time to visit your store especially if you offer one category of products.

However, commerce must continue, sales must be made.

What can you as a retailer do, given the current situation? You may already be using an eCommerce website to sell, but in situations where an eCommerce website may not work (like in some service-based businesses), we think you can leverage digital invoices in ways untold.

You Invoices can be an eCommerce sales channel.



[ctt template=”2″ link=”uV3Wf” via=”yes” ]Your invoice can be an e-Commerce sales channel. #BigIdea[/ctt]

3 Ways the Loystar Invoice Feature can Increase Sales in Your Business.

  1. A Visual List of Items:
    Your typical invoice lists items to be paid for and tries to describe it. While this may work for your repeat customers, the believability for new customers is reduced as they have not tried your product or service before. Including an image or the actual photo of the product you intend to sell goes a long way to manage your customer’s expectation effectively and ultimately improves trust. The Loystar Invoice feature makes this possible without any extra work.
  2. Loyalty Rewards Marketing:
    We all know how helpful rewards programs can be to merchants in driving repeat sales. Another smart thing to do is taking advantage of every touchpoint to inform customers about your reward program. Err on the side of over-communicating your offers. When customers are reminded that they get rewarded for every spend with your business, you give them one more reason to patronize and stay loyal to you. With the Invoice feature on Loystar, your loyalty offers are strategically placed to remind your customers that settling this bill means they get closer to earning a reward.
  3. WhatsApp and Email Integration:
    The Loystar invoice feature also takes advantage of WhatsApp reach and usage. Merchant can very easily, in two clicks send an invoice to a customer on WhatsApp. What makes this interesting for commerce is that there is a ready messaging channel the customer or merchant can use to communicate without losing context. This is also available via e-mail if that’s a preferred channel.
The Loystar feature is available for new and existing merchants on Loystar, whether on the free plan or the paid plan.
Log in to your account to access the Invoice Feature.

Are you new to Loystar?  you can sign up here.

Want to see how it works ? Book a DEMO

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