Why are tigers orange when their surroundings are mainly green


Answer (1 of 13): Deer, the tigers main prey, lack the color receptor to identify red and orange. Which makes sense, why would a deer need to pick up on red and orange in its environment? So it wasn’t necessary for its survival, at least not initially. So the tiger evolved the color of its coat t

White Tigers: Facts, Threats, & Conservation

What Do Tigers Eat? - Cat Tales Wildlife Center

If tigers are orange because prey like deer can't see red so the

Tigers appear to be pondering adding another uniform

Why Don't Tigers Live in Africa?

Why are tigers orange?, Page 4

Tigers and foxes: Why are there bright orange predators?

Tigers appear to be pondering adding another uniform

Tiger, Facts, Information, Pictures, & Habitat

What Color Is The Tiger? Unraveling the Mystery of Tiger Coat Colors - Tiger -Universe

Why are tigers orange when their surroundings are mainly green? - Quora

Tigers appear to be pondering adding another uniform

Only a few tiger subspecies remain in the wild -- here they are

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