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[vsc-section-title title=”Keep your customers coming back” subtitle_color=”#f2f2f2″]with Loystar’s customer loyalty app for smoothie, frozen yogurt & ice-cream  type businesses

[vsc-button text=”SIGN UP” target=”yes” style=”btn-outline” url=”https://web.loystar.co/signup?utm_source=smoothie_landing”]
[vc_empty_space height=”110px”][vc_single_image image=”5814″ alignment=”center”]
Reward Your Customers

Give your customers points which they can redeem for a reward you set.

[vc_empty_space height=”110px”][vc_single_image image=”6344″ alignment=”center”]
Experiencing Low sales?

Position Loyalty programs at low-peak times to boost sales. You can run multiple programs with special offers for low peak times.

[vc_empty_space height=”110px”][vc_single_image image=”5813″ alignment=”center”]
Announce New products

Send a personalized SMS to all your customers at once announcing new flavours available for purchase

[vc_empty_space height=”110px”][vc_single_image image=”5819″ alignment=”center”]
Birthday Messages &  offers

Wish your customers happy birthday and offer them a birthday offer without having to remember. Loystar does this for you.